The majority of children in northern Syria suffer from poor education due to displacement and high population density. From this reality, WATAN seeks to improve the educational reality and create an opportunity for children to receive an acceptable education, by starting the project to build the Ali Abdullah Al-Mudhaf School in the Maabatli area of Afrin, north of Aleppo.
Work is underway to establish a school that will be a model for students inside Syria. The school consists of 16 classrooms, administration rooms and all other basic facilities in accordance with engineering standards and blueprints.
The school will provide educational guarantee to 1,000 students in two shifts aged between 12-18 years and provide all necessary needs during their studies.
One of the main goals of this school is to provide an educational environment based on the principles of Islam and modern sciences knowledge, where students will practice their classroom activities and receive interesting learning in accordance with modern teaching strategies that make the child active and participate in learning, as knowledge contributes to building an integrated personality capable of taking responsibility.
As for the phases that the project has completed until the last month, the structural works of the ground and first floors have been completed, as well as the smooth and rough interior decoration works for the ground and first floors. Tiles, ceramics and electrical installation works are now underway.