News – WATAN

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28 Aug

Akadia Forum… Agricultural Innovation and Sustainability Forum in Northern Syria

The Journey Home project supported by the European Union. This forum was an exceptional opportunity for the heads of the associations and their executive teams to interact with agricultural experts, prominent farmers, and

28 Aug

Saving “Askar”… The story of a child who survived the well of death

In Askar’s town in northern Syria relies heavily on agriculture for its livelihood. Every household in the area has a water well to meet various needs, from irrigation to daily household uses. However, an unexpected

28 Aug

Jisr al-Shughour: From Thirst to Relief with Sustainable Solutions

After the pumping stations in Jisr al-Shughour stopped working in 2017, the city faced a severe water shortage, making it difficult to supply water to homes. Residents had to rely on tankers to meet their

28 Aug

Water Crisis in Idlib… The challenges of water shortages and the role of humanitarian organizations

Following the cutoff of water sector support in northwestern Syria, a scabies outbreak has affected hundreds of displaced people. According to a survey conducted by the WHO, scabies disease is spreading at an unusually high rate in six areas in Idlib, where 4.2 million people live, most of them

28 Aug

From Despair to Hope: WATAN and UNHCR’s Efforts for Displaced Syrians

“We thought we would go back soon.” This was the belief shared by many Syrians when they were forced to flee their homes due to escalating military operations. Yet, more than 13 years later, that return still hasn’t

29 Jul

A Joy Turned Tragic… The Children’s Heartbreaking Journey

On June 6th, a bus carrying a group of orphans on a fun trip overturned on a rough road, causing serious injuries to the children. Watan’s medical teams responded quickly, providing necessary medical care and saving many lives. The incident highlights traffic problems in northwest Syria due to poor infrastructure and increased population density, with calls for

29 Jul

Immediate Assistance… Alleviating Chronic Suffering for those still living in the camp

According to data from Syria Response Coordination, a relief organization active in northern Syria, 80% of Syrians are unable to secure food in the near future. In the northwest, inside camps for displaced people, this number rises to

29 Jul

Improve productivity of livestock for farmers in Northern Syria

Livestock farmers in Idlib and Aleppo face an enormous struggle to protect their only source of livelihood. Basic necessities, such as food and medicine, are unattainable dreams with exorbitant prices and limited availability. In this bleak landscape, immediate and sustainable solutions must be found to support these

29 Jul

Adequate water sustained in Hazzano

In northwest Syria, where the struggles of daily life extend beyond job opportunities and basic resources, the simple right to clean drinking water remains a distant dream for many, and water provision is a necessity and a priority to be

29 Jul

AKADIA invests in sustainable agriculture… Enhancing productivity for Syrian farmers

Vegetable farmers face many difficulties in northwestern Syria, the most important of which is the lack of preventive measures to control pests and insects that threaten crop quality. As these challenges escalate, WATAN’s teams of specialized agricultural engineers, through the Sustainable Development Project supported by the European Union and in cooperation with the

20 May

From That Which You Love…Reviving The Meanings of Solidarity In The Month Of Goodness And Blessing

When we talk about the holy month of Ramadan, we mention its joyful and spiritual rituals, as it is the month of worship and drawing closer to God Almighty. But throughout this blessed month, the suffering and challenges of those who have

20 May

Fields of Hope: Cultivating Resilience in Northern Syria

In the green fields of northern Syria, where the land produces life and food, a silent revolution is taking place. Like a masterful artist, the WATAN Initiative charts a vibrant future for vegetable farmers, turning their

20 May

Saja’s Journey… Hope From The Heart For Thalassemia Patients

In a world full of stories of society’s suffering and ongoing challenges, our attention turns to a remarkable story – a story of heroism and determination that knows no bounds. This is the story of Saja, a nine-year-old girl who faced

20 May

The journey of protecting || More than 700 cases in camps affected

Given the tragic humanitarian situation in northern Syria due to the in light of the tragic humanitarian situation in northern Syria due to the devastating earthquake and ongoing bombardment, the humanitarian crisis has reached an

15 May

Feeling the Pain… Their simplest hope

Winter’s embrace in northern Syria is a harsh reality for displaced families, where the biting cold pierces their bodies and their souls, enveloping them in desolate isolation. The challenges they face extend far beyond a single

21 Apr

Safeguarding Health and Environment…WATAN’s Innovations in Medical Waste Disposal

In the symphony of life, where every note resonates with the rhythm of existence, there exists a crucial harmony between healthcare and the environment. As we navigate the delicate balance between healing and preserving our planet, WATAN stands as

04 Apr

The Pulse of Humanity… A Light of Hope from WATAN For Thalassemia Patients

In the tapestry of human existence, stories of will and fortitude weave a narrative that transcends mere survival. Among these tales, those of thalassemia patients stand out, embodying a spirit that

04 Apr

In the Face of Adversity… The Transformation of Hajj Abu Faisal’s Life

In the war, stories of unwavering resolve and defiance etch themselves into the records of human history. These narratives, born of strife and hardship, reveal the indomitable spirit of individuals who

03 Apr

Transforming pain into bright reality. WATAN’s work with thalassemia patients

In a world often clouded by conflict and suffering, words of leaders like these seem like beacons of hope in the night sky. These words resonate in the stories of thalassemia patients, who face pain and

03 Apr

Rising from the Rubble…WATAN’s Journey of Hope in Syria and Turkey

Following the aftermath of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, and the subsequent devastation to infrastructure, WATAN launched a seismic-resistant project aimed at assisting affected families. This project exemplifies WATAN’s commitment to

18 Mar

Prescribing Change… Afiya – WATAN’s Visionary Project for Chronic Patients

Amidst the challenges that echo through the corridors of healthcare in northwestern Syria, a beacon of dedication and humanitarian vision emerges—Afiya. Far beyond providing new medical services, Afiya undertakes

18 Mar

From Struggle to Triumph… Rama’s Journey with WATAN’s Sustainable Development

In the heart of Syria’s conflict, a tale of triumph and unwavering determination unfolds—a narrative that radiates strength and inspiration. Meet Rama, a beacon of resilience in the city of Khan Shaykhun, whose

18 Mar

Ahmed’s Resilience & The Red Bicycle… Transformative Tales from WATAN’s Child-Friendly Spaces

In the tapestry of human resilience, WATAN weaves stories that transcend pain and amazement, much like the tale of Ahmed, a brave young soul forced to navigate the chilling winds of war and confront the ruthless specter of

18 Mar

Sowing Tomorrow… WATAN’s Visionary Impact on Agricultural Sustainability

In the rich tapestry of northwestern Syria’s agricultural legacy, a narrative unfolds—a tale of challenges met with determination, of fields struggling against water scarcity, land loss, and the soaring costs of

18 Mar

Blood, Life, and Unity… To Save One Life Is to Save All of Humanity

In the annals of time, on February 6, 2023, at 4:17, a seismic wave shattered the tranquility of southern Turkey and northern Syria. A calamitous earthquake left in its wake a tragedy of

14 Feb

Ahmed’s Resilience & The Red Bicycle… Transformative Tales from WATAN’s Child-Friendly Spaces

In the tapestry of human resilience, WATAN weaves stories that transcend pain and amazement, much like the tale of Ahmed, a brave young soul forced to navigate the chilling winds of war and confront the ruthless specter of cancer. In the haunting

09 Feb

WATAN and UNHCR… A Story Of Crafting Warmth Amidst Northern Syria’s Cold Challenges

In the frosty embrace of winter, the camps of northern Syria transform into a landscape of countless challenges. The canvas tents, meant to be sheltered, become sources of anxiety as families grapple with frequent fire incidents, floods, and

09 Feb

TOGETHER FOR LIFE…. Weaving Hope and Health in Northwestern Syria

In the tapestry of conflict, where threads of difficulty and despair intertwine, the people of northwestern Syria grapple with a harsh reality demanding urgent humanitarian intervention. In the specific camps that dot the

09 Feb

Harmony of Hope… a Tale of Resilience in Idlib

In the melody of life, where discord often prevails, the town of Taftanaz found itself at the center of an unexpected crescendo on February 6, 2023. An earthquake, relentless in its force, shook the very foundations of existence for its inhabitants. But amid the aftershocks of despair, a unique narrative unfolded, penned by

09 Feb

Rescuing Childhood… WATAN’s Tale of Hope Amidst the Conflicts

In the tapestry of conflict that engulfs northwestern Syria, the youngest threads, our children, bear the weight of immense challenges, demanding an urgent and effective response. Their playgrounds have transformed into battlegrounds, devoid of safe havens, exposing them to life-threatening risks and the perils that lurk in the shadows. The loss of loved ones burdens these children, compelling them to

09 Feb

WATAN’s Helping Hand… Pioneering Change in Eastern Aleppo

In northwestern Syria, the harsh, biting winter returns. Amidst the unforgiving conditions, in many cases tents are unable to withstand the harsh elements, which captures the daily struggle of displaced families who yearn for

24 Jan

Unlocking Potential: Sesame Project’s Journey of Empowerment for Children with Special Needs in Northern Syria

The plight of families fleeing conflict and seeking refuge in overcrowded camps in Northern Syria is heart-wrenching. Amidst the challenges of displacement, lack of educational support, and limited resources, children with special needs face additional barriers to their

12 Jan

Lifting Spirits, Building Homes WATAN and UNHCR Collaboration

In northwestern Syria, the harsh, biting winter returns. Amidst the unforgiving conditions, in many cases tents are unable to withstand the harsh elements, which captures the daily struggle of displaced families who yearn for

12 Jan

Education under conflict Illuminating Futures in Northwestern Syria

In the heart of northwestern Syria, where the echoes of a harsh conflict has impacted the education available to its people, resilience emerges amidst the adversity. Here, teachers confront daunting challenges as

12 Jan

WATAN’s Cash Assistance Project… Brightening Lives in Syria’s Hardship

In the twelfth year of Syria’s relentless conflict, the specter of food insecurity and precarious livelihoods looms large over families grappling with the enduring turmoil. To compound their woes, a devastating earthquake on

12 Jan

WATAN’s Green Revolution… Nurturing Lives in Idlib’s Olive Groves

In the vast expanse of Idlib’s countryside, where olive trees dot the landscape, resides Hajj Mustafa, a farmer from the town of Killi. At 63, having witnessed years of difficulty, Mustafa says:

12 Jan

WATAN’s journey in 2023… Behind every victory lies a story of courage

WATAN’s journey throughout 2023 embodies the notion that great achievements often arise from great sacrifices, overcoming adversity, and turning challenges into opportunities. Behind every victory lies a story of

21 Dec

A Healing Odyssey Navigating Challenges for Thalassemia Patients”

In the arduous landscape of northwestern Syria, the challenges faced by thalassemia patients intensify—a daily struggle marked by a scarcity of treatment centers and a shortage of essential medicines and intensive care. This narrative sheds light on the stark reality endured by these

21 Dec

Warm imprint Watan and UNHCR’s efforts to provide warmth to the displaced

As winter spreads its mesmerizing beauty in the camps of northern Syria, it brings with it not only scenes of snow-covered landscapes, but also a heavy burden on displaced families. The bitter cold sneaks into their fragile tents, and the water seeps in as if to convey the

21 Dec

From Soil to Futures WATAN’s Hydroponic Initiative Reshapes Farming Landscape

In the vast agricultural landscapes of northwestern Syria, small farmers grapple with formidable challenges, navigating the capricious nature of summer crops and unpredictable weather patterns. Coupled with a scarcity of essential agricultural materials, the success of

21 Dec

Water Innovative Solutions in Jisr Al-Shughur and Hazano

In northwestern Syria, where many people continue to struggle with water challenges, WATAN emerges as a steadfast force, innovating amidst the hardship. As we navigate the tumultuous waters of ongoing conflict, we witness a stark

21 Dec

Seeds of Empowerment…WATAN’s Women’s Vegetable Association

In the expansive plains of northwestern Syria, where the tapestry of rural life interlaces with the challenges of agriculture, a compelling narrative unfolds. It’s a story that weaves together the current reality of farmers who, in pursuit of a better life, have left their

04 Dec

Upholding Humanitarian Values WATAN’s Holistic Approach to Ethical Healthcare

Within humanitarian work, the healthcare sector stands as an anchor, not only for the provision of basic health services but also as a guardian of ethical principles and protection. Beyond medical proficiency, ensuring quality involves addressing complex issues such as sexual exploitation and

04 Dec

Building Beyond Borders WATAN and UNHCR’s Vision of Hope in Syria

In the landscapes scarred by continuous bombings and ravaged by earthquakes, the search for safe and dignified shelter has become synonymous with hope and reconstruction in northwestern Syria. In the aftermath of a tragedy that stripped many families of their homes, WATAN, in collaboration wit

04 Dec

Paths of Hope in the Shadows of Conflict

In the war-torn regions and amidst the remnants of conflicts, the tale of internal displacement weaves a tragic narrative, mirroring the anguish of countless innocent lives. In search of shelter that might restore a fragment of their shattered security, they navigate the shadows of

04 Dec

WATAN Project to rebuild life in Al-Wefaq camp in the Idlib countryside

In the unforgiving depths of the northern Syrian winter, a recurring tragedy unfolds, casting its icy grip on displaced camps. Cold and dark nights descend without warning, injecting hearts with fear and despair. The displaced find themselves

04 Dec

Beyond Shelter… WATAN’s Vision of Dignified Homes in Times of Crisis

During the harsh winter, the camps of northwestern Syria bear witness to reduced temperatures and frequent storms. Rainfall, heavy and unyielding, leaves a devastating impact on the displaced families inhabiting this hars

04 Dec

Whispers of Strength… October’s Call to Unite Against Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, a pervasive threat affecting both women and, albeit less frequently, men, highlights the profound significance of early detection in the journey towards successful treatment. The global momentum towards raising awareness of this affliction is gaining traction, propelled by

31 Oct

Healing Hearts and Minds… WATAN’s Commitment to Psychosocial Support After Natural Disasters

Natural disasters not only reshape the environment but also cast a profound shadow over people’s lives. Such was the grim reality that swept through Türkiye and Syria in the wake of a devastating earthquake. Millions found

31 Oct

Network sustainability, A Journey of Hope and Excellence… Transforming Healthcare in Northwestern Syria

WATAN’s commitment to elevating healthcare services is exemplified by the Blood Bank Network Project. On September 1, 2023, we bore witness to a remarkable expansion of these blood banks. A new blood bank took root in the

31 Oct

From Branches to Blessings… WATAN’s Sustainable Agriculture Project

In the fertile lands of northwestern Syria, the olive tree stands as a symbol of blessing, a source of sustenance for generations of farmers. Yet, looming over this vital agricultural sector are the steep costs of medicines and

31 Oct

For sustainable health… Rehabilitation of sewage systems in northwestern Syria

In the quiet morning hours of February 6, 2023, the lives of the people of Syria were irreversibly changed, the change brought only sorrow. Two catastrophic earthquakes shook the northwestern regions of the country, adding yet

31 Oct

Sowing the Seeds of Innovation… WATAN’s Hydroponics Revolution

In a world where barely perceptible weather fluctuations and growing droughts cast a foreboding shadow, we’re faced with these environmental challenges, the need for innovative and sustainable solutions to secure the availability of

31 Oct

Under the tents… WATAN and UNHCR Join Hands to Bring Warmth and Shelter in Northwestern Syria

In the camps of northwestern Syria, where communities converge to weather the harshest seasons of the year, you encounter stories of remarkable human resilience and unwavering need, exacerbated by the absence of safe shelter for their

31 Oct

Resilience Amidst Chaos… WATAN’s response to affected families in Morocco

In the annals of Moroccan history, a fateful day left an indelible mark—a violent earthquake that shook the very foundations of the land. It was a moment of shock and5ryt, a seismic reminder of its profound influence o

26 Sep

WATAN’s Solar Canopy Project… Shielding Humanity in Crisis

In the heart of northwestern Syria, where displaced families find themselves seeking refuge in tents with minimal insulation, they are in a constant battle with the elements. The reality of

26 Sep

Driving Change… WATAN’s Cutting-Edge Blood Collection Initiative

In the northwestern territories of Syria, hospitals face an escalating challenge: the struggle to secure an adequate supply of blood units for patients in need. With a noticeable surge in the number of

26 Sep

Serving Strength… WATAN’s Food Aid in Earthquake-Stricken Communities

Few natural disasters are as devastating and life-altering as earthquakes. These seismic events, unleashed by the immense power of nature, have the potential to bring

26 Sep

A Mother’s Determination… Um Mamoun’s Path to Success

In the camps of northwestern Syria, the resilience and determination of its inhabitants shine amidst the daunting challenges they face daily. Umm Mamoun, and her children embody the spirit of those

26 Sep

Flowing Hope…WATAN’s Remarkable Journey to Restore Water in Jisr al-Shughur

In the resilient city of Jisr al-Shughur, a story of hope and triumph unfolds—a story that testifies to the unwavering determination to build a prosperous society, even in the face of

26 Sep

Unity in Adversity WATAN and Caritas Germany’s Inspiring Partnership

On February 6, 2023, a catastrophic earthquake rocked numerous cities in southern Turkey and northwestern Syria, leaving a trail of devastation that stretched far beyond physical injuries and

25 Aug

Transforming Disaster into Opportunity… WATAN’s Inspiring Efforts in Earthquake Recovery

On a fateful day, February 6th, a catastrophic earthquake shook various regions of Syria, leaving behind a trail of devastation that deeply affected the lives of countless residents. As the

25 Aug

Empowering Lifelines… WATAN’s Sonata of Innovation in Northwestern Syrian Healthcare uc

Blood banks stand as a pivotal pillar within the healthcare sector in northwestern Syria, where every drop of blood signifies a lifeline. An area where its people face many challenges, healthcare

25 Aug

Turning Tragedy into Triumph… WATAN’s Story of Rebuilding Lives After the Earthquake

The great earthquake on the 6th of February, damaged both infrastructure and homes, and it forced many families into turmoil. This did not only destroyed buildings but also destroyed the

25 Aug

Empowering Dreams… Amna’s Tale of Courage and Change with WATAN

Living within the heart of northwestern Syrian camps, we see the journey of Amna. At the age of six, Amna embodies the essence of courage and determination, embarking on an inspiring journey hand in hand with

25 Aug

Resilience Rewritten Um Raed’s Tale of Hope Amidst Ruins

Nestled within a weathered house, where rooftops bear the weight of time and walls whisper tales of resilience, resides Um Raed. A steadfast grandmother, she embraces the role of provider for her

12 Jul


The celebration of Eid al-Adha holds profound significance for communities worldwide, and northwestern Syria is no exception. However, this year, we faced unprecedented challenges in ensuring displaced individuals had access to

12 Jul


The recent devastating earthquake in northwest Syria has left an indelible mark on the region, affecting countless families grappling with loss, despair, and the daunting task of rebuilding their

12 Jul


The northwestern regions of Syria face numerous challenges, including high population density and ongoing violence. Amidst these difficulties, the demand for healthcare services, particularly blood centers, has

12 Jul


The aftermath of the devastating February 6th earthquake in Syria led to internal displacement in various regions. However, what was intended as a temporary refuge for affected residents turned into a

12 Jul


The recent earthquake in northwestern Syria has left countless families grappling with despair and helplessness, mourning the loss of their homes and loved ones. Amidst the deteriorating living conditions and strained access to

12 Jun

Beyond Survival WATAN’s Comprehensive Approach to Meeting Urgent Needs in Syria

The Syrian crisis has brought forth a pressing need for shelter and non-food assistance among affected families. As freezing temperatures threaten the lives of refugees in camps, the demand for

12 Jun

Nurturing Resilience in the Aftermath of the Earthquake – Families and Children

The psychological and emotional toll of earthquakes on families and children can be profound, leaving them grappling with fear, worry, stress, and sadness. The jarring sounds and intense vibrations associated with seismic activity can trigger feelings of terror and panic, creating a sense of helplessness, vulnerability, and

12 Jun

Sowing Seeds of Change WATAN’s Vision for Sustainable Farming in Northwestern Syria

Abu Shaban, a father of five children, faces difficult living conditions, along with hundreds of farmers in northwestern Syria, due to the deterioration of the agricultural sector. The situation has been aggravated by water resource depletion, land loss, and

12 Jun

Sustaining Life, Restoring Dignity WATAN’s Pioneering Efforts in Water and Sanitation

In the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that struck southern Turkey and northwestern Syria, survivors in the Jisr al-Shughour area of rural Idlib face critical challenges in accessing clean drinking water, posing a significant threat to

12 Jun

WATAN’s New Vision for Inclusive Healthcare in Syria

In the aftermath of forced displacement and the devastating earthquake, the city of Al-Bab in Eastern Aleppo witnessed a significant increase in population, exacerbating the already deteriorating healthcare services. Faced with this

15 May

Rising From the Rubble WATAN’s Role in Reconstructing Communities in Syria

On February 6th, a devastating earthquake hit northwestern Syria, leaving thousands of families without homes, food, or access to clean water. As families waited for immediate aid to save their lives and

15 May

Nurturing Growth WATAN’s Efforts in Empowering Farmers in Northwestern Syria

The agricultural sector in northwestern Syria has faced significant challenges, including water scarcity, land loss, and high costs of farming supplies. However, amidst

15 May

From Disability to Ability WATAN’s Initiative to Empower Amputees in Idlib Camps

Abu Hussam, a father of four, shares the concerns of many displaced families in the Idlib camps, as they face poor living and economic conditions. However, his life took a turn for the worse after he lost his

15 May

Beyond the Headlines A Look into the Lives of Syrians Living in Displacement Camps

Living in Syria has become increasingly challenging due to a decade-long war, economic crises, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Northwestern Syria, in particular, has been under siege for several years, making it difficult for

15 May

Empowering Communities Through Sustainable Water Solutions How WATAN is Making a Difference

Northern Syria has been facing a dire situation over the past few months with limited access to clean water, exacerbating the needs of hundreds of affected families, especially after the devastating earthquake that hit

14 Apr

Nurturing Children’s Potential in Crisis… Ahlan Simsim’s project Impact on Early Childhood Development in Northwest Syria

The early childhood stage is a critical period for children’s rapid development and sensory perception. It is during this time that nurturing their physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and

14 Apr

From Struggle to Resilience… WATAN’s Impact on Livestock Farmers in War-torn Syria

The ongoing long-term war in northwestern Syria has taken a heavy toll on the animal husbandry sector, posing numerous challenges for farmers in the region. With the absence of

14 Apr

Standing Strong Together… WATAN’s Humanitarian Support to Earthquake-Affected Communities in Syria

The aftermath of the recent earthquake in northwest Syria has left countless families grappling with helplessness and despair as they mourn the loss of their homes and loved ones. However, WATAN, a dedicated humanitarian

14 Apr

Building Resilience… WATAN’s Resilience-focused Response to Northern Syria’s Earthquake

WATAN, in partnership with civil society organizations, has launched a swift response to address the aftermath of the devastating “Earthquake of the Century” in northern Syria. This region has been grappling with the

14 Apr

Beyond Borders… Al-Amal Hospital’s Resilience in Providing Healthcare in Northern Syria

In the war-torn region of northern Syria, the impact of a devastating earthquake in Kherbet Al-Joz has been unprecedented. The already weakened healthcare sector, which has been grappling with over twelve years of

14 Apr

Reviving Solidarity in Traditions… WATAN’s Communal Iftar Gatherings in Northwest Syria

As the first day of the blessed month of Ramadan arrived in Northwest Syria, Muslims around the world welcomed it with joy, decorations, and traditional songs. However, the pain was still fresh for Um Ahmed, a grieving

27 Mar

A Lifeline for Earthquake Survivors WATAN’s Blood Bank Centers Step Up to Save Lives in Northwestern Syria

Northwestern Syria was hit by a devastating earthquake on February 6, 2023, leaving many injured and in urgent need of blood transfusions during surgical procedures. The Watan Foundation, which operates several blood banks and health centers in the region, immediately launched an appeal for blood donations through

27 Mar

Supporting Livelihoods and Preserving Animal Wealth in Northwestern Syria: The WATAN Program’s Vaccination Campaign

Livestock breeders in northwestern Syria are facing significant challenges, including high feed prices, financial losses, and concerns over the depletion of animal wealth due to the scarcity of pastures and basic necessities, as well as market stagnation. In addition, difficulties in securing vaccines and feed have added to their

27 Mar

A Story of Specialized Neurological Operations and Saving Lives

The exhausted medical sector in northern Syria faced a real disaster in terms of the number of injuries and victims following the devastating earthquake that hit the region on February 6th, last year, which led to a record number of injuries being received, amid

27 Mar

The Critical Support to Earthquake Victims in WATAN’s Protection sector

The devastating earthquake that struck northwestern Syria on February 6th, 2023, left hundreds, if not thousands, of families reeling from the loss of their homes and loved ones. While physical injuries and property damage are often the most

27 Mar

WATAN’s Response to the Devastating Earthquake in Northwestern Syria: A Humanitarian Effort Worth Supporting

The devastating earthquake that struck southern Turkey and extended to Syria has left tens of thousands of residents without homes, shelter, or basic necessities. The catastrophe of the century has renewed the horror in the hearts of

27 Mar

Bringing Hope to Survivors WATAN Foundation’s Response to the Earthquake in Northwest Syria

On February 6th, the northwestern region of Syria was hit by a devastating earthquake, leaving countless families without homes and basic necessities. The WATAN Foundation acted promptly to the crisis, establishing temporary shelters and providing essential aid to affected families.
Field Team Leader, Mustafa Badawi, stated that many

07 Mar

One of the top priorities of WATAN’s field team in disaster response is psychological support for children

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned that millions of children are in urgent need of humanitarian support.
More than two weeks after the devastating earthquake that struck

07 Mar

Shelters Heaters, fuel & emergency baskets preserve survivors’ health and lives

The people in northwest Syria have endured long, bitter years full of pain and calamities. This time the devastating earthquake that struck was one which they had not lived through or imagined

07 Mar

In the first hours of the earthquake response, Establishing 12 housing shelters by WATAN’s field team

The first terrifying moments of the earthquake were the same for everyone, but the end was different. A difficult and painful end for the homeless and frightened survivors who are unable to regain any stability. The world around

06 Mar

The blood bank speed action in WATAN health centers has saved hundreds of lives

Despite the grim conditions that the destructive earthquake of Turkey and Syria has left, there is always something that calls for optimism and hope. Within the first few hours of the

06 Mar

WATAN ‘s emergency aid to the residents of Gaziantep city in Turkiye

The magnitude of the catastrophe and the need for urgent aid became clear after the earthquake hit Syria and Turkey. Thousands of people were left homeless and stayed in

06 Mar

Responsiveness in the emergency mobilization against the great disaster – Al Amal Hospital

After four seventeen in the morning on the 6th of February, every minute that passed felt like a thousand years. That day looked like judgment

01 Dec

To improve the IDPs’ living condition in camps… WATAN continues its activities in IDPs camps

Water is the origin of life, and the first need for human. The need for water for drinking and personal and domestic hygiene increases in IDPs camp sites. Lack of

01 Dec

What happens after donating blood??

The process of donating blood is a medical procedure through which blood is voluntarily transferred from a healthy person to a sick person in need of

01 Dec

Finally… “Abu Ali” is preparing a cup of tea with Ariha water, not tank water

The Ariha area is considered one of the hot spots in Idlib countryside, which witnessed great destruction as a result of the barbaric bombardment that

01 Dec

With free distinguished services… WATAN Center 3 continues its work in its new building…

With free quality services, the blood bank of the WATAN Center (3) in the city of Idlib continues its services in distributing all blood products (whole blood – plasma – platelets). Where the

01 Dec

2,245 displaced families are supported daily in WATAN camp in Kafr Jals

WATAN continues to distribute free bread to the residents of WATAN Model II camp, located in Kafr Jals, north of Idlib.

01 Dec

Elimination of water wasting problems within the WATAN camp in Kafr Jals

WATAN launched a project to maintain water units in WATAN camp in Kafr Jals, one of the activities of a multi-sectoral project; With the aim of optimizing water access and reducing

01 Dec

12-year-old Muhammad: Suffering between war, disease and displacement ends with success

Muhammad is one of the children who suffered from the bitterness of displacement due to the brutal war, after he was safe in his town in rural

01 Dec

Despite her disability, she won…. Rania, one of Simsim’s friends

Rania is a six-year-old girl from the occupied city of Maarat al-Numan. She suffers from a birth disability (brain atrophy). Although she partially recovered from

30 Sep

Ahlan Simsim: Bring Hope and Education to Refugee Children

The long years of war in Syria have created great turmoil among hundreds of thousands of children in the north of Syria, as these disturbances threaten their healthy and

30 Sep

The qualitative hemoglobin analysis device at Medical WATAN Center 4

Salqin Blood Bank (WATAN Center 4) provides its services by distributing all blood products (whole blood – plasma – platelets). Where the facility team conducts blood harvesting campaigns and

30 Sep

To provide better and high-quality medical services… WATAN 1 Center in a new look

The primary health care center in the Tallil al-Sham area (WATAN Center 1) provides all primary care services (internal clinic – general clinic – pediatric clinic – reproductive health – pharmacy) in addition to

30 Sep

Meets the needs of blood patients… WATAN 3 Medical Center with free services

A blood bank affiliated to WATAN 3 Center in Idlib offers its services in distributing all blood products (whole blood – plasma – platelets). Where the facility team conducts

30 Sep

“Al-Amal Orthopedic Surgery” is a qualitative specialized hospital in northern Syria

Al-Amal Hospital for Orthopedics is one of the best hospitals in northern Syria. Where it provides free medical services to many patients injured because of the

30 Sep

Free bread to the residents of the second WATAN model camp in Kafr Jals

WATAN began distributing free bread to the residents of the second WATAN model camp, located in Kafr Jals, north of

30 Sep

How did the solar energy systems help to provide water to the people of Ariha?

The displaced in northern Syria are trying to adapt in the camps amid difficult conditions and challenges, the most important of which is the

29 Sep

Multi-sectoral assistance in WATAN’s interventions within Kafr Jals camp

WATAN launched a multi-sectoral project in the second WATAN model camp in Kafr Jals. It implements a 3-sector intervention: FSL, CCCM, Health. It works to provide a

29 Sep

Are some of the main life services enough for dozens of camps?

The camps of the north of Syria go through difficult and sequential conditions with the succession of summer and winter each year.
To help the families of the displaced, WATAN intervened alongside

29 Sep

How do sanitation services and awareness campaigns save thousands of displaced families?

Water is one of the most important human needs for living, and the need for it increases in the camps due to the harsh nature of their living. The drought and constant pollution in the

29 Sep

Um Thabet (70) years…from a journey of displacement to a decent shelter and food support

Um Thabet, who is 70 years old, is like the millions of Syrians who have been exhausted by the years of war and its horrors. She was safe and reassuring in her

01 Sep

Hybrid solar energy systems… to supply Ariha water stations

The most significant obstacle facing the displaced people in northern Syria as they attempt to adapt is the lack of energy supplies. 
Project planning has begun as

01 Sep

Facing the malnutrition of her children…the biggest challenge for mothers in northern Syria

The recent global crises, the most recent of which was the Russian war on Ukraine, caused high global prices in general and food prices in particular. The displaced Syrians more than

01 Sep

Providing bread as a basic food for the residents of WATAN Model II camp in Kafr Jalals

WATAN began distributing free bread to the residents of WATAN Model II camp, located in Kafr Jals, north of Idlib. 
Where the project started on 1-8-2022 and will end on 31-1-2023 with the support of

01 Sep

Starting rehabilitation for orphans and widows center in Turkey

WATAN plays an important role in various humanitarian activities, even if it is outside Syria. Among these humanitarian works was the rehabilitation of the center for orphans and mothers in Şanlıurfa, Turkey, which is implemented by WATAN in partnership with

01 Sep

After the awareness campaigns… Decreased spread of diseases in the camps.

Water is one of the most essential elements for human survival, and the need for it increases in the camps due to the harsh nature of their living. The drought and constant pollution in the camp are

01 Sep

How do the displaced live in the camps of northern Syria without basic services?

The camps of the north of Syria creating challenging and repetitive conditions with the succession of summer and winter each year, and to help the families of the displaced, WATAN intervened alongside the

01 Sep

Alma’batly Children… Back to education soon.

The majority of children in northern Syria suffer from poor education due to displacement and high population density. From this reality, WATAN seeks to improve the

31 Jul

For Improve camps conditions… WATAN providing Essential Services

The northern Syrian camps are facing difficult and sequential conditions, with the succession of summer and winter seasons every year.
And to help the displaced families, Watan intervened alongside the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and distributed basic shelter materials in addition to installing and cleaning tents for

31 Jul

To be by their side… The Center for Orphans and widows under rehabilitation

WATAN plays an important role in various humanitarian activities, even outside Syria. One of them was the rehabilitation of the orphanage and mothers center in Şanlıurfa, Turkey, which is implemented by Watan in partnership with

31 Jul

By Solar Systems… Potable water is on its way to the Eriha camps

The most significant obstacle facing the displaced people in northern Syria as they attempt to adapt is the lack of energy supplies, the project planning has begun as of 1.4.2022.

31 Jul

To ease their suffering… WATAN distributes food baskets in northern Syria

Due to the latest world crisis Russia-Ukraine war the prices of food items become more expensive, and therefore the suffering of displaced Syrians has increased, the lack of job opportunities and harsh

31 Jul

“Ahlan Simsim” is the beginning of a better start to return to educational environment

The war cast a shadow over hundreds of thousands of children in the north of Syria, where they are now suffering from major disorders, threatening their healthy and integrated development, and to address these

31 Jul

Hope for Education Returns to Almuabatly Children

Most of children in northern Syria suffer of a lack of education due to the displacement and high-density population.
WATAN is working on fixing this condition by offering children a suitable opportunity for education. WATAN’s efforts

Qurbani Adha WATAN
31 Jul

Generous Contributions “Sacrifice of Goodness” Heals the Families’ Wounds in Northern Syria

Families in northern Syria live in harsh conditions when Eid al-Adha began. The high prices of sacrifices have broken many hearts in northern Syria. Their limited economic conditions prevented them from performing their holy

30 May

Continuing to run blood banks, alleviating burdens of the sick

The bitter suffering of the injured and the ill continues in northern Syria, in light of the lack of medical care in the region, which is exacerbated by the lack of

30 May

For a healthy, stable and safe environment… WATAN is intervening in dozens of camps

In light of the deteriorating health situation, a major project was launched aiming to decrease the spread of diseases by providing means that contribute to cleaner

30 May

Families in need.. and hundreds of baskets to decrease their burdens

In light of the deteriorating living conditions in northern Syria, WATAN seeks to provide shelter and meet the essential needs of the

30 May

“One Step to Heaven” Helps Hundreds of Struggling Families

There are many families in Syria that do not have access to food. And should they find food they do not have access to

30 May

Hundreds of baskets and tents distributed to families in northern Syria

Shelter is of most important, basic needs and many displaced Syrians are struggling without sufficient, secure

30 May

Drinking water systems powered with solar energy

Due to the lack of water networks in the cities, villages and camps within Idlib, families depend on water tanks to provide their

30 May

With your help “Steps to goodness” increase the housing units and more

As with every year, WATAN is keen to help struggling families in the blessed month of Ramadan. Particularly by improving living conditions and securing better opportunities for the

06 May

“Ahlan Sesame” is the beginning of a new phase and new areas to create an educational environment

The war cast a shadow over hundreds of thousands of children in the north of Syria, where they are now suffering from major disorders, threatening their healthy and integrated development, and in

06 May

In response to the lack of oxygen inside the hospitals, a mobile station meets their needs

Despite the decrease in the number of cases compared to last year, COVID-19 still poses a major threat to the population of northern Syria. WATAN has been on the

06 May

The hygiene project completes its first phase, and dozens of camps enjoy a safe environment

The deteriorating health situation called for a major project to be launched based on enhancing the issue of personal hygiene, with the aim of alleviating the

06 May

WATAN intervenes to eradicate diseases inside the camps

Families in northern Syria are unsettled and distraught by the bitterness of their displacement, to add to their suffering the infrastructure inside the camps has been

06 May

Improving hygiene in dozens of camps

In hundreds of camps in north-western Syria the health situation is dire, and there has become an urgent need to improve hygiene.
A large-scale project was launched to address this important issue and promote personal

06 May

WATAN’s response continues, providing shelter for the displaced

In northern Syrian camps, many lack the essential means of shelter. In an effort to alleviate their suffering, WATAN, in cooperation with the

29 Nov

Despite overcrowding of hospitals with Covid-19 patients, the two isolation centres continue to operate

Because of the difficulty of taking preventative measures such as social distancing in camps and the burden of obtaining masks and sanitizers, COVID-19 continues

29 Nov

The spread of the pandemic- WATAN’s response

The dilapidated health situation in the northern Syrian camps is complicated further in light of the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, a new major project was launched based

29 Nov

Areba School students, achieving their dreams by continuing their educational journey…

Leaving souls without knowledge or literature… Leaving the sick without medicine or sympathy.
Our team, in cooperation with the Directorate of Education in

29 Nov

During displacement and trauma, Ahlan Simsim provides a source of relief

Many children in Syria suffer from major disorders, threatening the possibility of healthy and integrated development. The war has been going on for a decade, and in order to

29 Nov

A village that protects dozens of families and preserves their dignity

Hundreds of thousands of displaced people dream of having a house similar to a tent, but with walls built of concrete. Perhaps it would ensure their privacy, and end their

29 Nov

Improving shelter for the displaced within the camps

Shelter is indispensable, and for those displaced finding suitable shelter is one of the biggest challenges. To alleviate the suffering of camp residents in northern

29 Nov

Dozens of camps were crying out and WATAN was responding

The suffering of families in the camps of northern Syria is getting worse. Because of the deteriorating health situation, a major project was launched based on increasing the level of hygiene in

29 Nov

Supporting the cleanliness of the camps to combat the pandemic

Many camps in northwestern Syria have been experiencing a deterioration in general health and well-being, and the need to address general health has become urgent, so a large project was launched based on increasing the

29 Nov

New services to improve life in camps

People displaced face great risks during crises as means for exploitation increase. WATAN held sessions to raise awareness among camp residents in order to protect

29 Nov

After bitter suffering, Hajj Mahdi has a generous shelter

The residents of northern Syria suffer from a harsh life filled with difficulties, as most of them live in camps that do not protect against extreme weather, so the tents need to be repaired after natural phenomenons such as

29 Nov

WATAN concludes new agreements to limit the spread of the pandemic

COVID-19 still poses a great danger to the population of northern Syria despite the slight decrease in the number of infections compared to before. To limit its

28 Oct

With the increase in COVID-19 cases, a new project was launched

The health situation inside the camps is getting worse day by day due to the continuing spread of COVID-19. An urgent need to increase hygiene has

28 Oct

What WATAN has done to reduce the spread of diseases in camps

Families in the northern Syrian camps suffer from low levels of hygiene that contribute to the spread of outbreaks which requires urgent intervention

28 Oct

Providing specialised services to those in need…

Salqin region lacks specialized health care services. However, there is a large demand for orthopaedic surgery and difficult cases due to injuries because

28 Oct

Combatting Covid-19 in Northern Syria

The frightening rate of Covid-19 infections in Syrian camps should not came as a surprise. The tight and neglected living conditions prevent displaced from

28 Oct

Hello Sesame: A project supporting parents during the crisis

Many children in Syria suffer from major mental and physical health issues, threatening their development. To address this reality and to support the

28 Oct

Between the lack of shelter and the stress of displacement, WATAN responds to those suffering

Shelter is considered one of the most important means during displacement, particularly with the deteriorating health situation as the pandemic spreads

28 Oct

Hand in hand: protecting against sexual exploitation and discrimination

During crises refugees face a much higher risk of being discriminated against and exploited. In response to this, WATAN has undertaken a project to raise

28 Oct

Immunising livestock from seasonal disease

As a continuation of the work done by WATAN in the livestock sector in northern Syria, it launched a project to support livestock breeders by providing

14 Oct

A Race Against Time: Preventing Covid-19

Families in northern Syria have been experiencing great suffering. Due to the deterioration of the health situation in the camps caused by the presence of

29 Sep

Shelter easing the burdens of displacement

In light of the deteriorating health and living conditions, WATAN seeks to solve all the problems related to sheltering poor families in northern

29 Sep

Working Together to Prevent Sexual Exploitation

The safety risks that internally displaced people (IDPs) face are exacerbated during crises, and the frequency of discrimination and exploitation against them increases

29 Sep

WATAN Center’s services… Amid the deterioration of the health system

The residents of northern Syria are experiencing great suffering, amidst a health system with a suffering infrastructure due to the destruction of hospitals, clinics and medical centers as a

29 Sep

Covid-19 threatens the displaced in the camps.. What has WATAN done?

Hundreds of thousands of families in northern Syria are suffering due to the deteriorating health situation in the camps – particularly with the spread of COVID-19. So need to

29 Sep

Taking care of hygiene financially burdens the displaced.. WATAN’s project to improve hygiene

Day by day the health situation continues to worsen due to the horrific spread of COVID-19. So need to spread awareness of personal hygiene during this times has become extremely important to

29 Sep

WATAN in the face of challenges inside the camps

In Syria, families just cannot seem to escape from increased hardship. Residences have seen a deterioration in the health situations within the camps of northern Syria with the urgent

29 Sep

Dreaming beyond limits… 15 years since the launch of WATAN

With a dream without borders and unlimited ambition, WATAN started in 2006 for the sake of man and humanity. They wanted to create the future of a dignified homeland based on

31 Jul

From the seed to the loaf…a project that transforms a person; to eat what he sows.

In a country that has been suffering from a crisis that has been going on for ten years, there is obviously difficult living conditions inside Syria. Especially in the production of wheat and the provision of bread, which is the main

31 Jul

How are we going to reach areas of disease within the camps?

As a result of the deteriorating health situation in the camps, there is an urgent need to re-emphasise the issue of hygiene. This comes in light of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which is still a matter of fear for all people- especially the

31 Jul

Emergency baskets and tents to house families in need…

Shelter is vital for survival in times of crisis, especially in light of the worsening of people’s conditions. WATAN, in cooperation with the UNHCR, plans on distributing 25,000 shelter baskets and installing

31 Jul

The Al-Tamayuz Village.. ending the crisis of 60 displaced families

As a result of the conflict in Syria that started in 2011, many residential buildings were left unused of which many suffered destruction due to military operations. WATAN, working with local councils and initiatives in the

31 Jul

Helping caregivers manage during crises..

Many young children in Syria are exposed to major turmoil and challenges that threaten their development, and in order to address this imbalance in upbringing and social development, and in an effort to continue its support for the development of

31 Jul

Kafr Jannah Center: Various health services

Similar to its previous achievements in providing medical services through its health centres, WATAN has worked in cooperation with the Aleppo Health Directorate and the Global Health Directorate, to establish a new

31 Jul

4 healthcare centres and a blood bank to open shortly

Due to the ongoing crisis in northern Syria and targeted bombs many hospitals, clinics and medical centres have been destroyed and the standard of healthcare services has deteriorated massively. Watan is actively working to improve the

30 Apr

WATAN mobile health services reach new camps

Due to the positive impact mobile clinics have created in providing medical services in remote and difficult-to-reach camps, WATAN, in partnership with Molham Volunteering Team, established a new mobile clinic to expand the outreach of medical services.

30 Apr

Immunization of the entire livestock in northwestern Syria against PPR

WATAN in mid-March,as part of its commitment to improve the diet and livelihoods of vulnerable families, completed vaccinating sheep and goats in all regions of northwestern Syria against PPR to protect livestock and support people’s livelihood. The campaign was done with partner organisations and with the support of the FAO.

30 Apr

Sustainable water and sanitation projects and eliminating traditional means for obtaining water

The “Supporting water and sanitation sectors and camp coordination in northwestern Syria” project started 7 months ago in partnership with the SCHF. WATAN since then has been operating water stations in each of the villages of Babka, Kafr Nasih, and Abyan Samaan

30 Apr

A new phase in project supporting families most in need

Three months have passed since the launch of the new phase of the “Distribution of Essential Shelter Materials for Vulnerable displaced Families” project in northwestern Syria. The project targets 18,000 additional families or approximately 90,000 individuals. The project was extended after the approval of the partner UNHCR due to the success of the first stages. The total projected beneficiaries is 7265 families or approximately 36,325 individuals

30 Apr

Following in the footsteps of our leading projects: New water and sanitation interventions to promote health stability

WATAN believes in the necessity of enhancing personal hygiene to provide a safe, healthy and stable environment to limit the spread of infectious diseases and epidemics. This has, especially, been of the utmost priority since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has witnessed successive waves that increasingly require more intervention.

30 Apr

WATAN’s Response to the victims of Izmir’s earthquake in Turkey

WATAN is considered to be of the fastest and most prominent organisations when it comes to emergency response concerning refugees, the displaced and their host communities in the face of humanitarian crises inside Syria, and also in Turkey.

30 Apr

New housing units provide quality services to increase safety

In order to continue to provide support for the vulnerable and most affected, Watan partnered with UNOCHA, providing 500 new housing units to host 500 displaced families, up to 3000 individuals currently without safe shelter.

26 Feb

Civilians are not a target

A missile attack on November 20th hit the village of Qah in the north of Syria targeting gatherings of displaced civilians in the area, killing approximately 12 people

26 Feb

A campaign for Syrian refugees in a 16-day campaign to confront gender-based violence (GBV)

Under the title ” Equality Generation Stands Against Rape,” WATAN Organization, in cooperation and support with its partner GOAL international funded by European Commission Humanitarian Aid.

25 Feb

Between Syria and Turkey… WATAN concludes a series of training courses

WATAN concluded the training course “Legal Issues in the Work of Humanitarian Organisations in Turkey”, which was presented in the cities of Gaziantep and Hatay in the presence of more than 23 participants from civil society organisations.

25 Feb

The Olive Farmers Support Project continues to provide services in northern Syria

Northern Syria is an area known for its olive farming. This has been an important source of income for many families in the region

24 Feb

Supporting livestock in Syria is necessary to encourage the resilience of the community

To support of the livestock value chain in rural Aleppo and Idlib, WATAN concluded a smallpox vaccination campaign: targeting cows, sheep and goats in the region. The number of

20 Feb

WATAN school students return to school and continue their education

With the beginning of the academic year of 2019-2020, Syrian students both local and refugees enrolled in safer schools of the Idlib and Aleppo countryside. Through its education projects,

20 Feb

Activities within the project “Hello Sesame”

Most Syrian children face many challenges and a lot of pressure mentally due to abuse and displacement they have gone through. Due to this,

19 Feb

A new community center for Syrians in İzmir

170 Syrian evacuee’s in İzmir begun to benefit from new community center founded by WATAN. This center was opened in December offering its services for Syrian evacuees and other evacuees

19 Feb

A new project for WATAN to get children back into schools

Thousands of Syrian children dropped out of primary education for years due to war and found themselves on the streets. We were able to send thousands of children

19 Feb

Restoring Houses in Arfin

WATAN begun a project to restore 200 houses in the countryside of Afrin. This project aims at enhancing housing conditions and seeks to lessen citizens’ sufferings. This project

18 Feb

Know more about the progress of Syrian golden liquid project

Oil pressers in Armanaz of Idlib countryside is considered one of the most important pillars of economy. Ninety percent of the citizens depends on oil pressers and olive oil to

18 Feb

How WATAN Foundation managed to train women producers

WATAN Foundation begun one of the most important projects in north of Syria. This project aims at supporting Syrian animal wealth through offering training

18 Feb

Wheat: a mean for sustainable development

In one of its most important interventions to support food security and livelihoods, WATAN continues to complete the phases of the project “Supporting the value-added chain of the wheat crop” in 15 villages and clusters affiliated with

18 Feb

WATAN signs a new agreement with Hatay health directorate

To facilitate implementing humanitarian aid related to health cluster and offering more medical services for beneficiaries affected by crisis in north of Syria.

18 Feb

WATAN opens the first center to treat Thalassemia patients in Idlib

In order to alleviate the suffering of Thalassemia patients in Idlib, WATAN Foundation’s medical center (Kheir 3) in addition to national hospital in Idlib. This center is offering its services under the supervision of specialized

18 Feb

WATAN recently held its annual staff gathering in Mersin, Turkey for three days.

The WATAN annual staff gathering was the perfect opportunity for employees from Turkey, UK, Iraq, and Jordan to come together and discuss challenges

18 Feb

Commemorating Youth and National sovereignty Day in Turkey, Jeel School in Rehanly celebrates

With the participation of more than 250 males and females students, Jeel school in Rehanly in Turkey celebrated Youth and National sovereignty Day in Turkey.

17 Feb

WATAN completes psychological training inside Syria.

Psychological training for children is considered to be one of the most important training programs inside Syria, which WATAN has conducted through their medical staff in Syria Relief.

17 Feb

Capacity Building program for 250 people.

WATAN launched the capacity building program for the educational staff of the Schools of Atma Camp, which targeted more than 250 male and female trainees from teachers,

17 Feb

Disease awareness in Turkey

The spread of infectious diseases and germs are some of the main challenges Syrians in Urfa, Turkey are faced with, prompting

17 Feb

Eastern Ghouta emergency response providing over 2,700 meals to families

After the arrival of the IDPs from Eastern Ghouta, our team began emergency response assistance with establishing the camps

17 Feb

WATAN launches “Save Children Of Ghoutah” Campaign

Due to the situation in Eastern Ghoutah and the increasing need for assistance and emergency response, WATAN launched a campaign to collect donations for the children in the area. Our first event for the campaign took place in Toronto, Canada.

17 Feb

Feedback on the ‘Communication Skills’ training in Gaziantep

WATAN concluded a 3 day training course on communication skills in Gaziantep, from the 26th – 29th of March. The following points were covered in the training session

17 Feb

Rapid emergency response to Eastern Ghoutah, successfully distribute aid to 3,370o households!

As a part of WATAN’s emergency response for the Eastern Goutah crisis. We have since the start of March delivered food baskets to over 3370 households those who are staying

17 Feb

Solidarity gathering for Eastern Ghoutah

Hundreds of Turks and Syrians participated in an hour long but very successful solidarity gathering for Eastern Goutah organized by WATAN in Gaziantep after Friday prayer.

17 Feb

WATAN would like to congratulate the students who were selected in TOFEL, ICDL, & TOMER grants

WATAN would like to congratulate the students who were selected in TOFEL, ICDL, & TOMER grants which was published a few time ago on WATAN page. Also we would like to share with all applicants the selection criteria used in selection process.

08 Jan

Eliminating pollution and supporting the water and health sector … the nations emergency response

WATAN continues to work in partnership with UNICEF in 14 camps in the areas of: Harem, Maarat Al Akhwan, Batabo, Ad Dana all of which are in the northern countryside of Idlib. This was